Quarterly Update 5, Summer 2016

Quarterly Update 5 is live! If you’re from Arkansas or Missouri, you may want to have a bunking party to celebrate! If you’re in New Jersey or New York jumping for joy, please don’t bunk your head. Folks in Texas might say this update is a bird’s nest on the ground—so no bird-thrashing needed! Just grab your blickey and gather up some new words before the blackberry summer ends (Or is it blackberry winter?) Note: Clickable links have been added to some entries; they will either take you to entries here on our website or to Digital DARE, where subscription-level access may sometimes be necessary to see the full entry.

Headword Part of Speech Update Type
astern of the lighter adv phr, adj phr Revised Entry
barred owl n New Entry
basket worm n Revised Entry
behind the lighthouse adv phr, adj phr New Entry
big wheels n pl Revised Entry
Billy Devil n Revised Entry
Billy Hell n Revised Entry
Billy Seldom n New Entry
billy whicker n Revised Entry
Billy-be-damned n Revised Entry
bind n Revised Entry
binnekill n Revised Entry
bird-battling vbl n New Entry
bird-blinding vbl n, pres pple New Entry
bird hawk n Revised Entry
bird-knocking vbl n Revised Entry
bird-thrashing vbl n, pres pple New Entry
bird’s nest on the ground n New Entry
bird’s toe n Revised Entry
bird-minder n Revised Entry
birl v New Sense, Revised Sense
birth-scald n Revised Entry
-bit suff Revised Entry
biver, all of a adj phr Revised Entry
bizmaroon n, also attrib Revised Entry
black blizzard n Revised Entry
blackberry rain n New Entry
blackberry storm n Revised Entry
blackberry summer n Revised Entry
blackberry weather n New Entry
blackberry winter n Revised Entry
black-bumper adj Revised Entry
blackmouth salmon n Revised Entry
blickey n1 Revised Entry
bloody butcher n, also attrib Revised Sense
booby owl n Revised Sense, New Sense
buckeye shiner n New Entry
buckie n1 Revised Entry
buckie fly n New Entry
bunk v1 New Sense, Revised Sense
bunk v2 Revised Entry
bunking party n Revised Entry
buzzard Christian n New Entry
buzzard religion n Revised Entry
carry-log n Revised Sense
Charleston eagle n Revised Entry
Johnny Constant n Revised Entry
log cart n Revised Entry
logging wheels n pl Revised Entry
mind n, v Revised Sense
timber wheels n pl Revised Entry
whicker n2 Revised Entry