Looking for the Wisconsin Pop Vs. Soda map? (Or other maps created from the 2013-14 Online Survey of Wisconsin English?)
Or wondering about those unusually-shaped DARE Maps? Try this quiz or read this first.
See lots and lots of contrastive geographic and social maps like these for free at Digital DARE [Note: maps may take some time to fully load.]
Sample Geographic Map | Sample Social Map |
Feeling Map-happy? Here are some more links to satisfy your map-iosity!
- Identify your state and linguistic regions on these maps
- Take the DARE Map Quiz
- Read an in-depth article printed in Volume I and now also available at Digital DARE: “How to Read a DARE Map” by Craig Carver
- Sample 100 Entries (at Digital DARE), many of which contain maps
- Maps are underway to highlight results from DARE’s 2013-14 Online Survey of Wisconsin English. We’ll be adding more soon, so check back! In the time being, we have a downloadable set of pdfs available.