HH1 Names and nicknames for a rustic or countrified person:
HH2 Names and nicknames for a citified person:
HH4 Someone who has odd or peculiar ideas or notions:
HH5 Someone who is queer but harmless:
HH6 Someone who is out of his mind:
HH7a Someone who talks too much, or too loud: “He’s an awful ________.”
HH7b Someone who talks too much, or too loud: “He’s always ________.”
HH8 A person who likes to brag:
HH9 A very silly or light-headed person:
HH10 A very timid or cowardly person: “He’s ________.”
HH11a Someone who is too particular or fussy—if it’s a man:
HH11b Someone who is too particular or fussy—if it’s a woman:
HH12 A person who is always finding fault about unimportant things:
HH15 A very inexperienced person, one who is just learning how to do a new thing:
HH18 Very insignificant or low-grade people:
HH19 Other words or nicknames for a tramp:
HH20a An idle, worthless person: “He’s a ________.”
HH20b Of an idle, worthless person you might say, “He doesn’t amount to ________.”
HH20c Of an idle, worthless person you might say, “He isn’t worth ________.”
HH21 A very awkward, clumsy person:
HH22a A mean or disagreeable person: [Asked in early Questionnaires only]
HH22b Talking about a very mean person, you might say, “He’s meaner than ________.”
HH22c Talking about a very mean person, you might say, “He’s mean enough to ________.”
HH24 Somebody who doesn’t talk very much, who keeps his thoughts to himself:
HH25 One who never has anything to say: “What’s the matter with him?” “________?”
HH26 A person who is always ready to stir up trouble:
HH27a A very able and energetic person who gets things done:
HH29a Names around here for people of mixed blood—part Indian:
HH29b Names for people of mixed blood—part Negro:
HH31 Somebody who is not from your community, and doesn’t belong:
HH35 A woman who puts on a lot of airs: “She’s too ________ for me.”
HH36 A careless, slovenly woman: “She’s just an old ________.”
HH40 Uncomplimentary words for an old man:
HH41 Someone who has a very high opinion of himself: [Asked in early Questionnaires only]
HH42 Names and nicknames for a common laborer: [Asked in early Questionnaires only]
HH43a The top person in charge of a group of workmen, the ________.
HH43b The assistant to the top person in charge of a group of workmen is called the ________.
HH44 Joking or uncomplimentary names for lawyers:
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