airified adj Also sp airyfied [OED3 1837→; air demeanor, haughtiness + -ified suff] old-fash Cf airy adj 1
= airish adj 2.
1880 Atlantic Mth. 45.606 ME, If I was as airified as she sets up to be, I would n’t have no poor-house trash round me. 1902 (1903) Nicholls Bayou Triste 124 LA, I wanted her to take charge of the dairy, and would n’t tolerate any airified city negress around. 1933 AmSp 8.1.47 Ozarks, Airyfied. . . Inclined to put on airs, stuck-up, fine-haired. 1968 DARE (Qu. HH35) Inf SC59, She’s too airified [ˈarᵻfaɪd] for me. [Old Inf]