ahind prep, adv Also (as prep) ahind of Pronc-spp ahine, ahint [Scots, nEngl, nIr dialect] chiefly NEng, Sth, S Midl old-fash or obs
1811 Columbian (NY NY) [11 June 3]/2, Jess ’bout this time some our folks let off a rouzer,/ A pizen big gun, squat ahind our hin-coop. 1843 (1916) Hall New Purchase 81 IN, Lay down ahind an ole-log. 1852 Knickerbocker 39.105 Lower Missip Valley, Old Joe had been ‘kicking up ahind and afo’e’ till he had got somewhat advanced in years.’ 1859 Atlantic Mth. 4.285 Martha’s Vineyard MA, Git along, Tom,—you ha’n’t got nothin’ but two feathers ahind you now. 1864 Gilmore Down in TN 126 cTN [Black], He leab ebery t’ing ahind, eben ole Joe. Ibid 163 cTN, I got ter the edge uv the woods, on the hill jest ahind uv my barn. 1867 Harris Sut Lovingood Yarns 130 TN, I hearn the cussed cole-harted devil a-hine the door now offer four tu one on the bull. 1870 Atlantic Mth. 26.524 MA, He streaked it out that are door with his coat-tails flyin’ out straight ahind him. 1884 Murfree TN Mts. 250, He war a-ridin’ a-hint him. 1889 St. Nicholas 16.729 ME, Kain’t yer see Marthy Ann ’s ahind of yer? 1895 Mott Old Settler Squire 47 nePA, Hank were hidin’ ahind a stump. 1934 WV Review Dec 78/1, Sir Walter Scott’s stories contain a number of our commonly used archaic words . . [including] gin for if, ahint for behind. 1952 Brown NC Folkl. 1.514, Ahint. 1958 PADS 29.6 seTN, Ahint: Behind. Rep. from Hamilton [Co]. 1969 DARE (Qu. MM8, A bad housekeeper sweeps the dirt either under the rug or _____the door.) Inf MA58, Ahind—old-fashioned.