groundhog salad

groundhog salad n

A lettuce saxifrage n (here: Micranthes micranthidifolia).

1899 Plant World 2.198 swPA, Groundhog Salad, Deer Tongue for Saxifraga erosa Pursh. Used as a salad by the country people. The shape of the leaves might suggest the second name. 1950 Middlesboro Daily News (KY) 27 May 1/7 swVA, Big Laurel, Va., May 27. . . This spring, while gathering greens for a “mess of salit” for her family, she got to thinking of the bleak, cold days of next winter when there would be no polk, dock, plantain and groundhog salit growing green in the fields and meadows. 1992 Perdue Pigsfoot Jelly 20 VA, Groundhog salit grows in old fields and around barns and rock piles. It, too, resembles violets in form of growth, but has thicker leaves and is of tougher texture. It is one of the cooking sorts.