clip and clean adv phr [Var of clip and clear adv phr; see OED2 clip adj. for a similar, but probably independent, adaptation from the same ultimate source.]
Completely, entirely; “free and clear.”
1881 Herald & Torch-Light (Hagerstown MD) 17 Aug [2]/1, If John don’t strip the Democratic rooster clip and clean in the coming contest, we will engage Hatnick to set you up a “soda” with a “fly” in it. 1893 Seneca Tribune (KS) 24 Aug [3]/2, As it was the engine caught one of the front wheels and took it off “clip and clean.” 1905 Eve. Statesman (Walla Walla WA) 20 Nov 3/3, When he got back four days later, the house, furniture and everything else . . were gone clip and clean. 1908 Wasson Home from Sea 202 sME coast, He went on to tell about the ungodly profits So-and-so had made by this ’ere running in liquors, and how such and such a cap’n had paid for this vessel clip and clean in no time at all. 1921 Eve. Sun (Baltimore MD) 25 Oct 10/1,[Advt:] If your size is here in the style you like—why, you’ve saved $9 clip and clean. 1929 AmSp 5.128 ME, Clip and clean. [DARE Ed: Mentioned without context or definition.] 1930s in 1944 ADD eWV, He missed me clip & clean. 1948 Millville Daily Republican (NJ) 6 Jan 4/5, Yesterday morning he sneezed his false teeth clip and clean out of his mouth into the large vat. 1975 Gould ME Lingo, Clip and Clean—Completely. “The jolt took out his front tooth clip and clean.”