C1 What do you call a small stream of water not big enough to be a river?
C3 A place in a swift stream where the surface of the water is broken:
C4a What do you call a fairly large body of fresh water?
C6 What do you call a piece of land that’s often wet, and has grass and weeds growing on it?
C7 What do you call land that usually has some standing water with trees or bushes growing in it?
C9 What do you call water from a river that comes up and covers low land when the river is high?
C13 A piece of land that sticks out noticeably into a body of water:
C14 A stretch of still water going off to the side from a river or lake:
C15 A place in mountains or high hills where you can get through without climbing over the top:
C17 Around here, what do you call a small, rounded hill?
C19 What do you call low land running between hills?
C21 A deep place cut in sloping ground by running water:
C24a A small piece of stone that you could easily throw:
C24b “The dog wouldn’t go away, so he took a stone/rock and________ (it at it.)”
C26 What special kinds of stone or rock are there in this part of the state?
C29 A good-sized stretch of level land with practically no trees:
C30 What do you call loose, dark soil?
C31 What do you call heavy, sticky soil?
C33 What joking names do you have for an out-of-the-way place, or a very unimportant place?
C35 Nicknames for the different parts of your town or city:
DARE Data Summary by Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.