Wildflowers, Weeds

S1 What other names do you have around here for the jack-in-the-pulpit?

S2 What do you call the flower that comes up in the woods early in spring, with three white petals that turn pink as the flower grows older?

S3 A flower like a large violet with a yellow center and small ragged leaves—it comes up early in spring on open, stony hilltops:

S4 Other names around here for the mayapple: (Woodside plant, not a tree, with two large spreading leaves; they grow in patches and have a small yellow fruit late in summer.)

S5 Other names around here for the wild morning glory:

S6 Other names around here for Queen Anne’s lace: (Summertime roadside weed two feet high or so with a lacy white top)

S7 A kind of daisy, bright yellow with a dark center, that grows along roadsides in late summer:

S8 A common kind of wild grass that grows in fields: it spreads by sending out long underground roots, and it’s hard to get rid of:

S9 Other kinds of grass that are hard to get rid of: (Open question)

S10 A shrub that gets covered with bright yellow, spicy-smelling flowers early in spring: [Asked in early Questionnaires only]

S11 What other names do you have around here for: bachelor’s button, blue violet, bluets, dandelion, dog-tooth violet, peony, wild snapdragon, zinnia? [Early QRs included “iris” in this list.]

S12a What do you call the sharp points along the stems of rose bushes, berry bushes, and so on?—large ones: [Asked in early Questionnaires only]

S12b What do you call the sharp points along the stems of rose bushes, berry bushes, and so on?—small ones: [Asked in early Questionnaires only]

S13 There’s a common wild bush with bunches of round, prickly seeds; when they get dry they stick to your clothing—what are these called around here?

S14 Other prickly seeds, small and flat, with two prongs at one end, that cling to clothing:

S15 Do you have any other weed seeds that cling to clothing? (Open question)

S16 A three-leaved plant that grows in woods and countryside and makes people’s skin itch and swell:

S17 What other kinds of plants do you have around here that will cause itching and swelling?

S18 A kind of mushroom that grows like a globe (Gesture)—sometimes gets as big as a man’s head:

S19 Mushrooms that grow out like brackets from the sides of trees:

S20 A common weed that grows on open hillsides: It has velvety green leaves close to the ground, and a tall stalk with small yellow flowers on a spike at the top:

S21 What other weeds do you have around here that are a trouble in gardens and fields? (Open question)

S22 What do you call the bright yellow flowers that bloom in clusters in marshes in early springtime?

S23 Pale blue flowers with downy leaves and cups that come up on open, stony hillsides in March or early April:

S24 A wild flower that grows in swamps and marshes and looks like a small blue iris: (Sometimes other colors)

S25 What do you call the small wild chrysanthemum-like flowers (blue, purple, white) that bloom in fields late in the fall?

S26a What other wildflowers do you have around here, not yet mentioned? roadside flowers: (Open question)

S26b Wildflowers that grow in water or wet places: (Open question)

S26c Wildflowers that grow in woods: (Open question)

S26d Wildflowers that grow in meadows: (Open question) [Not asked in early Questionnaires]

S26e Other wildflowers not yet mentioned: (Open question) [Not asked in early Questionnaires]

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