Schoolgoing, Mental Actions

JJ1a Other words for a schoolteacher—a woman:

JJ1b Other words for a schoolteacher—a man:

JJ2a A child going to school, one in the lower grades:

JJ2b A person who attends high school:

JJ3a When a school child makes a special effort to ‘get in good’ with the teacher in hopes of getting a better grade: “He’s trying to ________ again.”

JJ3b When a school child makes a special effort to ‘get in good’ with the teacher in hopes of getting a better grade: “She’s an awful ________.”

JJ4 A child who is always telling on other children:

JJ5 A time-out of about 10 or 15 minutes in the middle of the morning or afternoon: (Note stress.)

JJ6 To stay away from school without an excuse:

JJ7 Words or expressions for cheating in school examinations:

JJ8 To study very hard the last minute before an exam:

JJ9 Somebody who studies too hard or all the time:

JJ10a Different kinds of pens and pencils:

JJ10b Parts of an ink pen:

JJ11 Joking names for handwriting that’s hard to read: “I can’t make anything out of his ________.”

JJ12 Little flourishes that some people put on their handwriting or signature to make it look fancy:

JJ13 What joking words do you have for a name signed to a paper? “I’ll put my ________ on that.”

JJ14 To write a person’s name and where he lives on a letter you are sending to him: “I’ll mail this letter as soon as I ________ it.”

JJ15a Sayings about a person who seems to you very stupid: “He hasn’t sense enough to ________.”

JJ15b Sayings about a person who seems to you very stupid: “He doesn’t know ________.”

JJ16 When there was something you didn’t understand, then suddenly you do understand it, you might say, “Oh, now I ________.”

JJ17 When you know that somebody has been trying to deceive you, you might say, “He’s not fooling me one bit, I’m ________ (him).”

JJ18 If you want to have time to think about something before you make a decision: “Give me till tomorrow, I’d like to ________.”

JJ19 If somebody has dishonest intentions, or is up to no good, you might say, “I think he’s got ________.”

JJ20 If you felt very sure about something, and wanted to show it: “I’m so sure, I’d ________ it.”

JJ21 If you want to be very positive: Somebody asks you “Are you really going to do that?” And you answer, “You ________.”

JJ22 To express your opinion—for example, at a public meeting: “I went to the meeting, and ________.”

JJ23 To refuse to give in or yield: “He tried to scare me off but I ________ .”

JJ24 To refuse firmly: “He wanted to get some more money, but this time I ________.”

JJ25 To show somebody that you’re the boss: “He thought he could take the place over, but I made him ________.”

JJ26 If somebody has been doing poor work or not enough, the boss might say, “If he wants to keep his job he’d better ________.”

JJ27 To give somebody a hint for his own good: “He had no idea that she was up to anything, but I put ________.”

JJ28 If you are afraid you may forget something, you may tell another person, “Before I leave tonight, be sure and ________ (me to do it).”

JJ29 Talking of something that may have happened in the past: “Have you met him before?” “Not that I ________.”

JJ30a Other words or expressions for forgetting something: “I ________.”

JJ30b Other expressions for forgetting: “It ________.”

JJ31a What you’d say to a bus driver: “Please stop at the next corner—I want ________.”

JJ31b Or you might say, “The dog is scratching at the door, he wants ________.”

JJ32 If you have to make up your mind between two things—for example, a dog and a cat, you might say, “I’d ________ (have a dog).”

JJ33 When you can’t choose, but have to take what you’re given: “I’ll take a cat, but if I had my ________ I’d take a dog.”

JJ34 When you decide it would be to your advantage to do something, you might say, “Yes, I ________ I’ll be better off that way.”

JJ35a When you have just about reached the point of telling somebody what you think of him: “By gosh, I have a ________ (to tell him what I think of him).” [Early QRs: When you are considering saying something, though you haven’t done so yet: “I have a ________ to tell him what I think of him.”]

JJ35b Other expressions you might use when you have lost patience and are just about ready to tell somebody what you think of him:

JJ36 To work out a plan, especially a secret plan: “Mary knows more about that, you and she can ________ together.” [Early QRs: To make plans, especially secret plans: “She knows more about that, you’ll have to ________ with her.”]

JJ37 When you have reason to believe that someone is not honest: “I’m not sure, but I ________ that man is a thief.” [Asked in early Questionnaires only]

JJ38 When somebody agreed to do something, then changed his mind, you might say, “At the last minute he ________.” [Asked in early Questionnaires only]

JJ39 When somebody is being accused who doesn’t deserve it, you might say, “He couldn’t help it, so don’t ________ him.” [Asked in early Questionnaires only]

JJ40 When you admit that you did something wrong and are willing to take the consequences, you might say: “It was my fault and I’m willing to ________.”

JJ41 An embarrassing mistake: “Last night she made an awful ________.”

JJ42 To make an error in judgment and get something quite wrong: “He usually handles things well, but this time he certainly ________.”

JJ43 To give away a secret or tell a piece of news too soon: “He wasn’t supposed to know. Somebody must have ________.”

JJ44 Expressions about someone who can be trusted to keep a secret: “Don’t worry about him, he’ll ________.”

JJ45 When someone avoids giving a definite answer: “We tried to pin him down, but he just kept ________.”

JJ46 Other ways of saying to pretend: “Let’s ________ we don’t know a thing about it.”

JJ47 If there is something you can’t do—for example, for fear of the consequences, you might say, “Doctor’s orders—I ________ eat any.” [Asked in early Questionnaires only]

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