stay all night v phr
Used as a formulaic remark on parting.
1924 Raine Land of Saddle-Bags 4 sAppalachians, The lad conducted me across three fords and bade me good night, adding in response to my hearty thanks—for it would have been an insult to offer him money—“Well, ye better go home with me and stay all night.” 1983 MJLF 9.1.62 ceKY (as of 1956), You all better stay all night . . a leave-taking pleasantry. 1999 Folklife Center News 21.4.12 WV, “You better stay all night, boys.” Maggie Hammons Parker’s phrase was a regular marker of the visits Alan and I paid to Marlinton, West Virginia, in the 1970s. Something about the emphasis she gave the word all reinforced the ritual aspect of her instruction.