apple melon

apple melon n

1 = pie melon n 1. [Abbr for apple pie melon (at pie melon n 1)] obs

1858 OH Cultivator 14.380, California Apple Melon. This melon attains a large size. I have grown specimens the past season weighing from 30 to 40 lbs; they are cylindrical in form; color, a golden tint; flesh, close-grained and more solid than the watermelon; color of seeds, a dark green, or blue. . . We have tested the quality of them for pies, and find them very delicious. 1860 Lawrence Republican (KS) 5 Jan 1/7, The Apple Melon is now being extensively cultivated in California and parts of Kansas, as a substitute for green apples. . . There are two varieties in use; the less valuable of these is nearly round in form—of a blueish color; very nearly resembling some varieties of the common melon. The other variety is of a pale green color, and as long in proportion as any of the common melon. . . It is a native of China; was brought to California by Chinese emigrants, where it is now extensively cultivated as a substitute for apples.

2 = apple-seed watermelon n. chiefly PA, MD

1883 Aegis & Intelligencer (Bel Air MD) 19 Oct 1/4, The following premiums were awarded at the Hartford County Fair. . . Fruit Butters. . . Mrs Hugh Bay, . . rhubarb 1st; apple melon 1st; ground strawberry 1st. 1914 Adams Co. Independent (Littlestown PA) 2 Oct 5/3, The party enjoyed a walk out to the old Donnell farm, and en route they stopped at the Harvey Dodrer farm to search a field for apple melons. 1929 Sterling Daily Gaz. (IL) 11 Oct 16/5, Apple melons were brought to town Thursday. . . They are tiny watermelons to all appearances and the flesh and seed are similar, also the flavor, but the melons are shaped much like a large apple while the color is pale green. The flesh is pinkish. The seeds are jet black. 1941 Eve. Sun (Hanover PA) 6 Sept 1/1, The local watermelon crop was in evidence. These melons which have white flesh in some cases and red in others are small but sweet. They are sometimes called applemelons. 1961 News (Frederick MD) 30 Aug 27/2, [Advt:] Apple Melons lb. 6c. 1968 DARE (Qu. I26) Inf MD19, Apple melon, like watermelon but smaller, size of dew melon; MD28, Apple melon, like watermelon, but cream colored inside; MD30, Apple melon, like watermelon but small and round—greenish flesh, black seeds. 1975 News (Frederick MD) 21 Oct sec B 6/1, Catoctin Community Show Results. . . Fresh Vegetables—Apple melon, George Kuhn. 1988 Morning Call (Allentown PA) 2 Mar sec D 1/2, Weaver also seeks the seeds of historic plants that he can perpetuate in his gardens and then try in his recipes. If you still have the seeds for apple melons . . , he’d like to know about it.