borning n, also attrib [ born v; cf EDD borning vbl. sb.] chiefly Sth, S Midl, NEng old-fash
Birth, delivery of a child.
1848 PA Freeman (Philadelphia) 3 Aug [4]/1 eKY, I seated myself upon one of the stools in the chimney corner, and while he was finding out whether ‘the borning’ (for such it was) had been conducted properly, I was making the above survey of the premises. 1889 (1971) Farmer Americanisms, Borning ground.—The country of one’s birth; the ground upon which one was born; one’s native soil. 1914 Baldwin In My Youth 10, Providence . . has wisely decreed that no one can choose the place of his borning. 1949 Marshall Little Squire Jim 50 wNC, Lucy McVay had been at the borning of him. 1949 Guthrie Way West 36 MO (as of 1847), It remembered deaths and bornings and the young. 1955 Taber Stillmeadow Daybook 114 swCT, Jill’s bedroom is across the landing from the keeping room, up and down steps, and was the “borning room.” Here the babies and mothers stayed in the early days. 1967 DARE (QR p20) Inf MA24, Borning room—used in the South; (QR p26) Inf MA72, [ˈbɒnɪn rum]—regular inside room, no windows, entry from kitchen, stairs going to second floor.