bange v |bænǰ| Also sp bandge [Cf EDD Suppl. bange “To idle about. . . To lie down and rest for a short space of time.”] NEng, esp ME
Also with ~ (a)round: To frequent a place, loaf, idle; hence nouns ban(d)geing place, banging~ lounging place.
1886 Jewett White Heron 9 ME, Squer’ls she’ll tame to come an’ feed right out o’ her hands. . . Last winter she got the jay-birds to bangeing here. 1890 DN 1.21 cME, Bange [bænǰ]. . . “a pair of boots to bange round in.” 1896 Jewett Pointed Firs 100 ME, They used to tell queer stories about Shell-heap Island. Some said ’t was a great bangeing-place for the Indians. 1897 Howells Landlord 187 NEng, It’ll interest him to go out there; and we can make him believe it’s just to bange around for the winter. 1914 DN 4.68 ME, nNH, Bandge. . . To idle, loaf. Bandgeing-place. . . A lounging place, e.g. a country store. 1927 AmSp 3.137 ME, “Bange” was employed in speaking of those who would come visiting and remain till their unwilling host was to be pitied. It was said that certain relatives or visitors would “bange” or make a “banging place” all summer, “sponging” idly, neither paying nor working.