Sylvester Eve

Sylvester Eve n Also Saint Sylvester, Sylvester (Night) [Primarily < Ger Silvester(abend), but possibly influenced by other European languages in which the last day of the year is regularly or occasionally named for the saint whose feast day it is] Ger settlement areas, esp WI

New Year’s Eve.

1882 Eve. Light (San Antonio TX) 18 Dec 1/3, Arbeiter Verein. This association will give a grand fancy dress New Year’s Sylvester Eve ball. 1894 Cleveland Plain Dealer (OH) 1 Jan 8/6, A watchnight or Sylvester eve celebration was held at Germania hall last night by the members of the Cleveland Gesangverein. 1921 Belleville News–Democrat (IL) 6 Jan 7/1, The five families meet at a different place each year on Sylvester night and outlive the old and start the new year together. 1939 Manitowoc Herald–Times (WI) 30 Dec 8/3, [Advt:] Sylvester BallLakeview Ballroom. . . [Advt:] Sylvester Eve Dance Sunday, Dec. 31Urbanek’s Pavilion. . . [Advt:] A Happy New Year to all our friends. We invite you to spend Sylvester Eve with us. 1957 Sheboygan Press (WI) 4 Jan 4/4, Donna Mae [Klemme] . . is engaged to Harold Gries. . . The news was made known Sylvester Eve. 1967–69 DARE (Qu. FF11, . . The night of December 31st) Infs WI12, 61, Sylvester Eve; IL72, WI49, Sylvester Eve—heard; WI13, Sylvester Eve—old-time German usage; TX31, Saint Sylvester. 1976 Times Recorder (Zanesville OH) 31 Dec 1/5, Trinity Lutheran Church will hold a Sylvester Eve Service with Holy Communion at 7:30.