
downstreeter n [EDD (at down adv. 2.(16, a))] sNEng, NY arch Cf upstreeter n

One who lives downstreet adv—usu in contrast to members of one or more other locally defined sectional factions; see quots.

1845 Alden Cardinal Flower 48 NEast, The village was divided very nearly into two equal parts, and these were about one fourth of a mile distant from each other. . . It was regarded as one village, and those who lived in the eastern part were called down-streeters, and those who lived in the western part, up-streeters. 1879 Springfield Sun. Republican (MA) 7 Dec 4/6, Monson. . . On a recent occasion a down-streeter was speaking of the outlook for his vicinity, when the up-streeter replied as follows: “Well, there’s one thing, you can’t never get the depot moved, and, besides, we’ve got more burying-grounds than you have anyway.” 1890 New Haven Eve. Reg. (CT) 18 Sept [4]/2, This Sunday school matter is not an “up street” or “down street” affair. . . There was no tussle at all over the election of superintendent. Although he was a “down-streeter,” the friends of Mr. Greeley voted for the superintendent, to show forth . . a meek, conciliatory and magnanimous spirit. 1892 Brooklyn (NY) Fire Dept. Our Firemen 33 (as of 1827), The efforts of the two sides, each to elect its own candidate, made the election of Chief Wells quite an exciting event. The parties were the “Up-streeters,” . . and the “Down-streeters.” 1921 Century Illustr. Mag. 101.353 Long Is. NY (as of 1860s), The post-office, the two hotels, and two of the three churches were on Main Street. Most of the stores were there also . . sprinkled more or less regularly along its entire length. . . Locally, we spoke of one another as “upstreeters” and “downstreeters,” with an undercurrent of rivalry in the designations.