Media Resources

Recent Articles about DARE:

Please go here for a complete list of articles about DARE since the release of Volume V.

DARE‘s Favorites:

Lingua Franca Chronicle of Higher Education, Allan Metcalf

“National Endowment for the Humanities Celebrating 50 Years” September 21, 2015

“Preserving American Language is Worth Paying For” Ideas, Katy Steinmetz, April 6, 2015

“DARE Up in the Air” Lingua Franca, Allan Metcalf, April 9, 2013.

“What’s In A Word? A ‘Dictionary’ Of Americanisms” NPR Books, Amanda Katz, March 13, 2012.

A distinctively American dictionary Baltimore Sun, John McIntyire, March 9, 2012.

“What a whoopensocker! Dialect dictionary reaches Z”  Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Mark Johnson, February 25, 2012.

“Regional Dictionary Finally Hits ‘Zydeco'” New York Times, Jennifer Schuessler, February 24, 2012.

“Frog Hair to Woolies: Dust Bunnies by 173 Other Names” Wall Street Journal, Ryan Sager, February 21, 2012.

“Words of America: A Field Guide” Humanities 32.5 (Sept./Oct.), Michael Adams,  2011.

How to Speak American,”  Newsweek, Joan Houston Hall, July 30, 2010.

“DARE to be Finished — Maybe Next Year” Wall Street Journal, Dale Buss, June 12, 2010.

Dictionary Like a ‘Bobbasheely’AP article at, Ryan J. Foley, March 23, 2009. 

Review of Volume IV Journal of English Linguistics, Richard W. Bailey, December 1, 2003.

DARE in the Classroom by John Algeo.  1993.
With kind permission of the Modern Language Association of America.

Learning from Dictionaries by Frederic G. Cassidy. 1993.
With kind permission of the Modern Language Association of America.

Mini-Conference and Shindy Links:

DSNA Newsletter, Spring 2012: “On Beyond Zydeco…,” Katherine Isaacs

Mr. Verb: “Of physics and philatelism: Erin McKean at the DARE conference”

The Chronicle of Higher Education: “A Shindy for ‘DARE’, ”  Allan Metcalf

University of Wisconsin–Madison News: “DARE celebrates completion at ‘shindy’,” Stacy Forster

Other Sites of Interest: 

The American Dialect Society: DARE‘s official sponsor.

The Dictionary Society of North America.

The Linguistic Atlas Projects

The Telsur Project

International Dialects of English Archive

Do You Speak American?, from PBS, Jan. 2005. DARE contributed material to the website for this PBS documentary. Some of the entries used  are also posted on the DARE website here. Check out the DYSA website for quizzes, tape segments, and sample entries.

Wisconsin Englishes

Max Kade Institute

Center for the Study of Upper Midwestern Cultures (CSUMC)

Voices: A Sculptural Book Blog post that features an art installation inspired by DARE. Additional information can be found here.

Canadian Journal of Linguistics And make sure to check out the review of Volume V by J.K. Chambers in the November 2012 issue!

Radio interviews/Podcasts

NPR’s Weekend Edition Sunday, June14, 2009, interview with Hall

Whad’ya Know Michael Feldman’ radio program, June 13, 2009; go to Part A, minute 9, for an interview with Joan Houston Hall 


In this conversation about DARE and language myths, Professor Anja Wanner talks with Chief Editor Joan Hall.



In these conversations about DARE and Wisconsin Englishes, Chief Editor Joan Hall and Senior Editor Luanne von Schneidemesser are interviewed by Joe Salmons and Tom Purnell.


Sites with audio clips from DARE‘s collection

American Languages: Our Nation’s Many Voices: Go to “Search the collection.” Then type in “Arthur” under “Search entire collection by keyword” to hear examples of Informants from various states reading DARE’s “Arthur the Rat” passage.

American Languages: Our Nation’s Many Voices Online: We are currently working with the Center for the Study of Upper Midwestern Cultures and the Max Kade Institute here in Madison to post segments of our DARE audio interviews. Already posted are segments from eleven Midwestern states.