Wildflowers, Weeds
S1 What other names do you have around here for the jack-in-the-pulpit?
S5 Other names around here for the wild morning glory:
S7 A kind of daisy, bright yellow with a dark center, that grows along roadsides in late summer:
S9 Other kinds of grass that are hard to get rid of:
S11a What other names do you have around here for: bachelor’s button?
S11b What other names do you have around here for: blue violet?
S11c What other names do you have around here for: bluets?
S11d What other names do you have around here for: dandelion?
S11e What other names do you have around here for: dogtooth violet?
S11f What other names do you have around here for: peony?
S11g What other names do you have around here for: wild snapdragon?
S11h What other names do you have around here for: zinnia?
S14 Other prickly seeds, small and flat, with two prongs at one end, that cling to clothing:
S15 Do you have any other weed seeds that cling to clothing?
S16 A three-leaved plant that grows in woods and countryside and makes people’s skin itch and swell:
S17 What other kinds of plants do you have around here that will cause itching and swelling?
S18 A kind of mushroom that grows like a globe—sometimes gets as big as a person’s head:
S19 Mushrooms that grow out like brackets from the sides of trees:
S21 What other weeds do you have around here that are a trouble in gardens and fields?
S24 A wild flower that grows in swamps and marshes and looks like a small blue iris:
S26a What other wildflowers do you have around here? Roadside flowers:
S26b Wildflowers that grow in water or wet places:
S26c Wildflowers that grow in woods:
S26d Wildflowers that grow in meadows:
S26e Other wildflowers not yet mentioned:
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