Vegetables and Fruits

Vegetables and Fruits

I1 What do you call the garden where you grow carrots, beans, and such things, to eat at home?

I3 What do you call the large yellowish root vegetable, similar to a turnip, with a strong taste?

I4 What vegetables are less commonly grown around here?

I5 The kind of onions that keep coming up without replanting year after year:

I6 The kind of onions that come up fresh early in the year, and you eat them raw:

I7 The small plants like onions with hollow green leaves that are cut up in a salad:

I8 When root vegetables get old and tough and are not good to eat, you say they are ________.

I9 Other names (including nicknames) for potatoes:

I10 The outside covering of green peas that you break open to get the peas out:

I11 When somebody takes peas out of the covering like that, you say, “She’s ________ peas.”

I12 The outside covering of dry beans:

I13 When you take dry beans out of the cover, you are ________ them.

I14 Kinds of beans that you eat in the pod before they’re dry:

I15 Some of the beans that you eat in the pod have yellow pods; you call these ________.

I16 The large flat beans that are not eaten in the pod:

I17 Beans (not pods) that are dark red when they are dry:

I18 The smaller beans that are white when they are dry:

I19 Small white beans with a black spot where they were joined to the pod:

I20 Other kinds of beans that are grown around here:

I22a Names for different kinds of peppers—small, hot:

I22b Names for different kinds of peppers—large, hot:

I22d Names for different kinds of peppers—large, sweet:

I23 What kinds of squash do people grow around here?

I25 Names or nicknames for cucumbers:

I26 What kinds of melons do people grow around here?

I28a What kinds of things do you call ‘greens’ around here? Those that are eaten raw:

I28b Kinds of greens that are cooked:

I29 Names or nicknames for asparagus:

I30a Other names for rhubarb:

I30b If a local farm offers an option to order a box of fresh produce to be delivered weekly or monthly during the growing season, that box is called a(n) ________.

I31 When a corn stalk is well grown, what comes out at the top?

I33 What do you call ears of corn that are just right for eating?

I34 If you don’t have sweet corn, you can always eat young ________.

I35 What kitchen herbs are grown and used in cooking around here?

I37 Small plants shaped like an umbrella that grow in woods and fields—which are safe to eat:

I38 Small plants shaped like an umbrella that grow in woods and fields—which are not safe to eat:

I39 What do you call the thick outside covering of a walnut?

I40 The hard part inside the husk of a walnut that you have to break:

I41 The part of the nut that you eat:

I42 Other names or nicknames used around here for peanuts:

I43 What kinds of nuts grow wild around here?

I44 What kinds of berries grow wild around here?

I46 Other kinds of fruits that grow wild around here:

I47 When you pull the stem out of a strawberry, what do you call the green part that comes off with the stem?

I48 The hard center of a cherry: you call that a cherry ________.

I49 And the hard center of a plum: that’s a plum ________.

I50 And the hard center of a peach: that’s a peach ________.

I51 The kind of a peach where the hard center is loose:

I52 The kind of a peach where the hard center is tight to the flesh:

I53 Other fruits grown around here: any special varieties?

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