Types and Attitudes of People
HH1 What are some names and nicknames for a rustic or country person?
HH2a Names and nicknames for a city person:
HH2b Nicknames for people from your state:
HH2c Nicknames for people from other states:
HH2d What does it mean to say that someone is a “hoosier”?
HH2e Nicknames to describe people who are vacationing in your area: “They’re ________.”
HH3 You’d refer to a dull and stupid person as a(n) ________.
HH4 Someone who has odd or peculiar ideas or notions: “She’s ________.”
HH4b Joking names for vegetarians: “He’s a(n) ________.”
HH4c Someone who is passionate about environmental causes is a(n) ________.
HH4d Of someone who is extremely liberal, you’d say, “He’s a(n) ________.”
HH4e Of someone who is extremely conservative, you’d say, “She’s a(n) ________.”
HH7a Someone who talks too much, or too loud: “He’s an awful ________.”
HH7b Someone who talks too much, or too loud: “She’s always ________.”
HH8 A person who likes to brag: “He’s a(n) ________.”
HH9 A very silly or light-headed person is called ________.
HH10 A very timid or cowardly person: “She’s (a) ________.”
HH11a Someone who is too particular or fussy—if it’s a man:
HH11b Someone who is too particular or fussy—if it’s a woman:
HH11c What nicknames do you hear to refer to a homosexual woman? “She’s a(n) ________.”
HH19 Other names for a homeless person: ________.
HH20b Of an idle, worthless person, you might say, “She doesn’t amount to ________.”
HH20c Of an idle, worthless person, you might say, “He isn’t worth ________.”
HH21 Of a very awkward, clumsy person, you might say, “She’s (a ) ________.”
HH22b Talking about a very mean person, you might say, “He’s meaner than ________.”
HH22c Talking about a very mean person, you might say, “She’s mean enough to ________.”
HH26 What do you call a person who is always ready to stir up trouble? “He’s a(n) ________.”
HH28a Names and nicknames for people of Western European heritage or ethnicity:
HH28b Names and nicknames for people of Eastern European heritage or ethnicity:
HH28c Names and nicknames for people of Southern European heritage or ethnicity:
HH28d Names and nicknames for people of Northern European heritage or ethnicity:
HH28e Names and nicknames for people of Hispanic heritage or ethnicity:
HH28f Names and nicknames for people of East Asian heritage or ethnicity:
HH28g Names and nicknames for people of South Asian heritage or ethnicity:
HH28h Names and nicknames for people of Southeast Asian heritage or ethnicity:
HH28i Names and nicknames for people of Pacific Island heritage or ethnicity:
HH28j Names and nicknames for people of Middle Eastern heritage or ethnicity:
HH28k Names and nicknames for people of Arabic heritage or ethnicity:
HH28l Names and nicknames for people of African heritage or ethnicity:
HH28m Names and nicknames for people of African-American heritage or ethnicity:
HH28n Names and nicknames for people of American Indian heritage or ethnicity:
HH28o Names and nicknames for people of Jewish heritage or ethnicity:
HH28p Names and nicknames for people of other heritage or ethnicity:
HH29a Names and nicknames for people of mixed heritage or ethnicity: Part American Indian
HH29b Names and nicknames for people of mixed heritage or ethnicity: Part African-American
HH29c Names and nicknames for people of mixed heritage or ethnicity: Part Asian-American
HH29d Names and nicknames for people of mixed heritage or ethnicity: Part Hispanic-American
HH29e Names and nicknames for people of mixed heritage or ethnicity: Other
HH30a Things that are nicknamed for different nationalities—for example, a ‘Dutch treat’: Eskimo
HH30b Things that are nicknamed for different nationalities—for example, a ‘Dutch treat’: Dutch
HH30c Things that are nicknamed for different nationalities—for example, a ‘Dutch treat’: French
HH30d Things that are nicknamed for different nationalities—for example, a ‘Dutch treat’: Irish
HH30e Things that are nicknamed for different nationalities—for example, a ‘Dutch treat’: Jewish
HH30f Things that are nicknamed for different nationalities—for example, a ‘Dutch treat’: Scotch
HH30g Things that are nicknamed for different nationalities—for example, a ‘Dutch treat’: Yankee
HH35 A woman who puts on a lot of airs: “She’s too ________ for me.”
HH39 A homosexual man: “Did you know he’s a(n) ________?”
HH40 Uncomplimentary words for an old man: “ He’s just an old ________.”
HH40b Uncomplimentary words for an old woman: “She’s just an old ________.”
HH40c If a person shows moral weakness and won’t take a stand on an issue, he’s a(n) ________.
HH43a The top person in charge of a group of workers is the ________.
HH43b The assistant to the top person in charge of a group of workers is called the ________.
HH44 Joking or uncomplimentary names for lawyers: “She’s just opened an office as a(n) ________.”
HH44b Names and nicknames for the person who delivers the U.S. Mail: “The ________ just came.”
DARE Data Summary by Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.