Physical Actions
Y3 To say uncomplimentary things about somebody is to _________ her.
Y4 Other words for a very uncomplimentary remark: “That was a(n) _________.”
Y9 Somebody who always follows along behind others: “Her little brother is an awful ________.”
Y12a A fight between two people, mostly with words: “They really got into a(n) _________.”
Y12b A real fight in which blows are struck: “They had a real _________.”
Y13 A fistfight with several people in it: “A crowd gathered to watch the ________.”
Y14a To hit somebody hard with the fist: “I was so mad I wanted to _________ him.”
Y14b To hit somebody with the open hand: “I was so frustrated I wanted to _________ her.”
Y15 To beat somebody thoroughly: “John really ________ (that fellow)!”
Y16 A thorough beating: “He gave the bully an awful ________.”
Y18 To leave in a hurry: “Before they find this out, we’d better ________!”
Y19 To begin to go away from a place: “It’s about time for me to ________.”
Y20 To run fast: “You should have seen her ________!”
Y21 To move about slowly and without energy: “After being sick, she could only _________.”
Y22 To move around in a way to make people take notice of you: “Look at him ________.”
Y24 Expressions meaning to walk, to go on foot: “I can’t get a ride, so I’ll just have to ________.”
Y25 To walk heavily, making a lot of noise: “He came ________ into the house.”
Y26a To walk very quietly: “She came ________ to the baby’s bed.”
Y26b To walk very quietly: “The children filled their pockets and ________ out the back way.”
Y27 To go about aimlessly, with nothing to do: “She’s always ________ around the drugstore.”
Y28 A person who loiters about doing nothing: “Get busy, don’t just be a(n) _________.”
Y29a To ‘go out’ a great deal, not to stay at home much: “She’s always (been a) ________.”
Y29b Or, about a man who doesn’t stay home much: “He’s always ________.”
Y31 If a child asked her father to carry her on his back, she might say, “Give me a(n) ________.”
Y34a When somebody moves on his hands and knees: “He was down in the bushes, ________ (around).”
Y34b What babies do before they walk: “She’s just about ready to ________.”
Y36b To knock or tip something over, especially by accident: “Be careful not to _______ it over.”
Y36c To fall over abruptly, capsize: “Look out! It’s going to ________.”
Y37 To make a place untidy or disorderly: “I wish they wouldn’t ________ the room so.”
Y38 Mixed together, confused: “The things in the drawer are all ________.”
Y40a Other words referring to sticky stuff: “I’ve got to wash my hands; they’re all ________.”
Y41b Expressions used around here to tell someone to light an electric light: “________ the light.”
Y42 Expressions for putting out a light: “Don’t forget to ________ the light.”
Y43a Expressions meaning to light a fire: “________ the fire.”
Y43b Expressions meaning to put out a fire: “Be sure to _________ the fire before you go to bed.”
Y44 A very small, sharp piece of wood: “His finger is sore—he ran a(n) ________ into it.”
Y46a To get hurt with something sharp—for example, a thorn: “He ________ a thorn into his hand.”
Y46b To get hurt with something sharp, like a needle: “She ________ herself with a needle.”
Y47 To hide something away for future use: “I know he’s got it ________ somewhere.”
Y50 To undertake or carry out a job: “That’s a big job for just one person to ________.”
DARE Data Summary by Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.