OO1a To buy: “Have you ________ your groceries?” [Asked in early Questionnaires only]
OO1b To buy: “Yes, I ________ them an hour ago.” [Asked in early Questionnaires only]
OO2b Talking about eating: “I don’t feel right—I think I ________ too much.”
OO3a Speaking about drinking coffee: “The coffee’s all gone—we must have ________ (a lot).”
OO3b Speaking about drinking coffee: “There’s not a drop left—we ________ (it all).”
OO4a To knit: “When we were young, she ________ all our socks.” [Asked in early Questionnaires only]
OO4b To knit: “She has also ________ sweaters and mittens.” [Asked in early Questionnaires only]
OO5a Talking about heating houses: “Before furnaces came in, our house was ________ (with a stove).”
OO5b Talking about heating houses: “Years ago they ________ (the house) with a stove.”
OO6a Talking about dough with yeast in it: “The room was warm, so the dough ________ (quickly).”
OO8c Hang: “He ________ his coat on my hook.” [As OO8a] [Asked in early Questionnaires only]
OO8d “It has ________ for two days.” [As OO8b] [Asked in early Questionnaires only]
OO10a Talking about climbing trees: “When we were children we often ________ (trees).”
OO10b Talking about climbing trees: “Some trees were dangerous—we shouldn’t have ________ (those).”
OO11a Talking about catching mice: “Some mice got into the cellar but our cat ________ (them).”
OO11b Talking about catching mice: “That makes five she’s ________ (this week).”
OO12a Talking about dogs biting: “Some dogs will bite—last week the mailman was ________.”
OO12b Talking about dogs biting: “It was a big black dog that ________ him.”
OO13a About breaking a leg: “He limps ever since he ________ his leg.”
OO13b About breaking a leg: “That’s the second time he has ________ (that leg).”
OO14a About the wind blowing hard: “Last night the wind ________ (very hard).”
OO14b About the wind blowing hard: “One of my apple trees was ________ (down).”
OO15a About freezing your ears: “I was so cold my ears nearly ________.”
OO15b About freezing your ears: “If he had been out last night he would have ________ (his ears).”
OO17a Talking about someone coming home: “Yesterday her son ________ home.”
OO17b Talking about someone coming home: “He was late; he should have ________ (days ago).”
OO20a About the school bell ringing: “When it was time for school, the bell ________.”
OO20b About the school bell ringing: “It’s eight o’clock. Has the bell ________ (yet)?”
OO21a To learn: “Even as a child, he ________ fast.” [Asked in early Questionnaires only]
OO22a About knowing people: “He used to live next door. At that time I ________ (him well).”
OO22b About knowing people, “For the past twenty years I’ve ________ (him well).”
OO23b About a child growing: “You wouldn’t think a child could have ________ (so fast).”
OO24a To fight: “Bill ________ hard, but Jack beat him.” [Asked in early Questionnaires only]
OO24b To fight: “Bill has ________ with every boy in school.” [Asked in early Questionnaires only]
OO25a Talking about diving: “The water is deep enough—the children have often ________ (there).”
OO25b Talking about diving: “Only yesterday the children ________ (there).”
OO26d “Only last week a child ________ here.” [As OO26b] [Asked in early Questionnaires only]
OO27a Talking about riding horses: “When she was a girl she ________ horseback.”
OO27b Talking about riding horses: “All my life I’ve ________ (horses).”
OO28a Talking about running: “John was so scared he ________ (all the way home).”
OO28b Talking about running: “He was out of breath because he had ________ (so fast).”
OO29a Talking about swimming: “The water is clean—we have always ________ (there).”
OO29b Talking about swimming: “When we were children we ________ (there too).”
OO30a Talking about a horse throwing the rider: “John got a bad horse and was ________ (off).”
OO30b Talking about a horse throwing the rider: “Last week the same horse ________ (his brother).”
OO31a To dream: “Last night I ________ I was going away.” [Asked in early Questionnaires only]
OO31b To dream: “I have ________ that same thing often.” [Asked in early Questionnaires only]
OO32a To wake: “Last night I ________ three times.” [Asked in early Questionnaires only]
OO34a Talking about writing a letter home: “It’s weeks since she last ________ (us a letter).”
OO34b Talking about writing a letter home: “She should have ________ (long ago).”
OO35b Talking about vegetables thriving: “That land is poor—nothing has ever ________ there.”
OO36a To wear: “He went dancing and ________ his new shoes.” [Asked in early Questionnaires only]
OO38a About shoes fitting just right: “When I tried these shoes on, they ________ (just right).”
OO39a Talking about a meeting beginning: “Has the meeting ________ (yet)?”
OO39b Talking about a meeting beginning: “Yes, it ________ (an hour ago).”
OO40a About driving a car: “They borrowed our car last night and John ________.”
OO40b About driving a car: “That was the first time John had ever ________ (our car).”
OO41a About taking too many chances: “He got hurt because he ________ (too many chances).”
OO42a About stealing money: “He admitted that he ________ (the money).”
OO42b About stealing money: “He says it’s the first time he has ever ________ (money).”
OO43b About pleading: “I wouldn’t have stayed if she hadn’t ________ (so hard).”
OO44a About somebody in a chair: “He did nothing at all—he just ________ (there).”
OO44b About somebody in a chair: “All day long he has just ________ (in that chair).”
OO45a About seeing somebody: “He thought nobody was looking but I ________ (him hide it).”
OO45b About seeing somebody: “Many’s the time I’ve ________ him hide things.”
OO46b Talking about dragging something heavy: “Half a mile or so we must have ________ (it)!”
OO47a Talking about horses sweating: “It was a warm day and the horses ________ (a lot).”
DARE Data Summary by Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.