D1 What do you call the upper part of a two-story house? [Asked in early Questionnaires only]
D2 A sleeping room in a house: [Asked in early Questionnaires only]
D3 A room for visitors to sleep in: [Asked in early Questionnaires only]
D4 The space up under the roof, usually used for storing things:
D6 To get to the second floor, you walk up the ________.
D7 A small space anywhere in a house where you can hide things or get them out of the way:
D8 The small room next to the kitchen (in older houses) where dishes and sometimes foods are kept:
D10a The place to keep food cool, usually with ice, so that it won’t spoil:
D10b The place to keep food cool if it is run by electricity or gas:
D11 When you go into a house, the part just beyond the front door is the ________.
D12 The part that’s put on in winter around an outside door to give extra protection from the cold:
D13 The room where you entertain company:
D16 Names used around here for parts added on to the main part of a house: (Open question)
D18 The part of the house below the ground floor:
D20 Names for a sloping outside cellar door:
D21 A small, poorly-built house, or one in rundown condition:
D22 Underground place to go to in case of a violent windstorm:
D23 A house that is divided in two through the middle so that two families can live in it:
D24 Living quarters in a building where several other families live:
D25 Nicknames for buildings where several families live: [Asked in early Questionnaires only]
D26 What names do you have for different kinds of apartments? (Especially, small apartments)
D27 Strips of wood used to cover the outside of a frame house:
D28 What hangs below the edge of the roof to carry off rain-water?
D29 The pipe that takes the collected rain-water down to the ground or to a storage tank:
D30 The strip of wood or metal that covers the ridge of a roof:
D31 In front of a fireplace there’s usually stonework on the floor—what do you call this?
D32 The metal stands in a fireplace that the logs are laid on:
D34 What do you call the small pieces of wood and other stuff that are used to start a fire?
D36 What do you call the shelf over the fireplace?
D40 Names and nicknames around here for the upper balcony in a theater:
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