Speaker is from Beals, ME; he is a 77-year-old white man with a grade-school education.
[FW:] How do you go about makin’ a, uh, small rowboat?
[INF:] Well, you just make, the uh, small scale model and draft it from that. Make a keel out.
[FW:] You make a scale model first?
[INF:] Mos’, most everybody does, make a scale model or else they draft ’em out, draw them out on paper. Either one you want do-doesn’t matter.
[FW:] How big are these, uh, scale models?
[INF:] A general rule on small type boat, just a three quarter inch to a foot. The large ones are up to a quarter inch to a foot.
[FW:] Uh-huh. An’ what’s the purpose of the, uh, scale, scale model?
[INF:]Well, to determine the length, and the breadth, and the width and all this.
[FW:] Oh, I see. They just use smaller…
[INF:] That’s right.
[FW:] Everything, and then they just scale them up and down.
[INF:] Uh-huh.
[FW:] And, uh, then how do you go about starting to build the, the boat itself?
[INF:] Well, you make a keel first, from the model, or from the draftings, drawings, whatever it is. Then, you make a stem, and a stern. After the small stuff, the small boats, well, you bend the frame, uh, the, you make a molds-what we call the molds, that is, sectionals, sections of it, of the, if they are so far apart, on the boat, you take the shape of it, make sections.
[FW:] What do they use to do that? Plywood?
[INF:] Just plywood or cedar-either, it doesn’t matter.